and Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 USC Sect 1531 et seq.). Consultation is a government-to-government process that should occur early in the environmental review process in which the tribes are invited to comment on the project. Consultation and Coordination with Others 5-1 This chapter describes how we engaged others in developing this EA/draft CCP. Please do not hesitate to contact Emma Maschal at or 202-566 . This Code of Practice on how to meet the requirements for consultation, cooperation and coordination on work health and safety matters is an approved code of practice under section 274 of the . In chronological order, it details our efforts to encourage the involvement of the public and conservation partners, including other Federal and State agencies, Consultation and Coordination 201 President's Council on Environmental Quality State of Alaska, Office of Economic Development U.S. Bureau of Land Management U.S. Department of Justice U.S. Environmental Protection Agency U.S. Consultation and coordination with the corporations will follow the same process as described in this Policy for tribes, with the following exceptions: a. 16 USC 1340: Joint report to Congress; consultation and coordination of implementation, enforcement, and departmental activities; studies Text contains those laws in effect on January 23, 2000. CONSULTATION AND COORDINATION 541. Formulation and coordination of trade and . Each tribe is unique, so it is important to hear from all of them. 13175, and is responsible for tribal consultations and coordination for the Office of the Secretary programs. Executive Order 13175, "Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribal Governments," was issued by U.S. President Bill Clinton on November 6, 2000. Work Health and Safety Act (the WHS Act). Consultation resumed on January 28, 2019. Section 123570 - Consultation and coordination (a) In assisting in the development of the regionalized perinatal health systems, the department shall consult with the office, the State Department of Developmental Services, county health officials, health systems agencies, health professionals and health facilities expected to participate in the systems, and community groups. Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge Comprehensive Conservation Plan September 2004- Distributed 429 visitor surveys and 1,430 September 2005 community surveys in September 2005 cooperation with USGS. Additionally, notlling in this Consultation and Coordination Plan, or any action or omission pursuant to it, is intended to affect the Chapter 4. (c) Executive Order 13084 (Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribal Governments) is revoked at the time this order takes effect. this guidance complements the epa policy on consultation and coordination with indian tribes by providing affirmative steps for the agency to take during tribal consultations when an epa action occurs in a specific geographic location and a resource-based treaty right, or an environmental condition necessary to support the resource, may be … Welding consultation and coordination 2020-02-13T13:21:28+00:00 WELDING CONSULTATION We are working together with our clients in all stages of their projects and delivering technical and problem-solving consultation to ensure stronger and more secure products which are compliant with industry standards and codes. 6. Approximately 46 people attended the public open house meetings in Mammoth Lakes, Mariposa, Oakhurst, Sonora, and Yosemite Valley during the public comment period. All comments letters are preserved in the administrative record. CONSULTATION AND COORDINATION 9.1 INTRODUCTION Prior to construction, the CPUC must issue a CPCN for the proposed Miguel-Mission 230kV #2 Project under Public Utilities Code Section 1001 General Order No. 9. To carry out the principles in E.O. From Title 16-CONSERVATION CHAPTER 30-WILD HORSES AND BURROS: PROTECTION, MANAGEMENT, AND CONTROL. The SS4A program will provide $5-6 billion in grant funding over the next 5 years. Consultation is important during major workplace change. The public had several avenues and opportunities to participate during the development of the plan — participation in public meetings and workshops, responses to newsletters, and School Consultation Models: Definition & Types School counselors use one of three primary models when providing guidance to individual students. The Tribal Consultation Official has responsibility for coordinating the implementation of this Public participation and agency consultation for the East Bay Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Project have been accomplished through . An overview of environmental compliance documents completed pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act that relate to Happy . As nouns the difference between consultation and coordination is that consultation is the act of consulting while coordination is . 7.0 Consultation and Coordination Early and continuing consultation and coordination with the general public and appropriate public agencies is an essential part of the environmental process. 131-D. Because the CPUC's decision on whether to issue the CPCN or not is discretionary, the proposed project is subject to CEQA review. This three part land use planning effort was . CONSULTATION AND COORDINATION 9.1 INTRODUCTION Prior to construction, the CPUC must issue a CPCN for the proposed Miguel-Mission 230kV #2 Project under Public Utilities Code Section 1001 General Order No. 7.2.3echnical Coordination T Team The Coastal Hudson County Technical Coordination Team (TCT) is comprised of federal, state, and local By utilizing the referral, coordination, and consultation procedures outlined above, agencies can make certain that they are appropriately handling the records. Attached is a consultation plan for this action that includes a description of the acti under consultation, and the process EPA intends to follow, including a timeline for the cohsultation and coordination period, and information on how you can provide input on this action. b. The funding will support Tribal, regional, and local initiatives to prevent roadway deaths and serious injuries. Fish and Wildlife Service Virginia Department of Forestry Tribes Absentee-Shawnee Tribe of Indians of OK All of these requirements are . To ensure complete and consistent implementation of EO 13175, the President's Memorandum directed all The Preferred Alternative includes improvements to US-31 and a new Preparers . SECTION 4: CONSULTATION AND COORDINATION 4-2 Draft Initial Study/Environmental Assessment November 2012 4.1.4 EXECUTIVE ORDER 11990 Protection of Wetlands This Executive Order established the protection of wetlands and riparian systems as the official policy of the federal government. ID Team Members . EFH consultation requirements The EPA contact person for this consultation and coordination process is Emma Maschal, Office of Wetlands, Oceans and Watersheds. Rock Creek Park Multi-Use Trail Rehabilitation Consultation and Coordination Page 175 CHAPTER 5: CONSULTATION AND COORDINATION NEPA regulations require an "early and open process for determining the scope of issues to be addressed and for identifying the significant issues related to a proposed action." To determine the scope of issues to be Coordination with Indian tribes will continue throughout the re-mainder of the planning process. The Magnuson-Stevens Act states that consultation regarding EFH should be consolidated, where appropriate, with the interagency consultation, coordination, and environmental review procedures required by other federal statutes, such as NEPA, Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, Clean Water Act, and ESA. Responses to comments are found in Appendix 12. 131-D. Because the CPUC's decision on whether to issue the CPCN or not is discretionary, the proposed project is subject to CEQA review. Work health and safety consultation, cooperation and coordination . Cooperation: Independent goals with agreements not to interfere with each other. Consultation and Coordination 5-1 Introduction. Environmental laws and regulations pertaining to the protection of resources did not exist when the Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge was constructed in 1921. Executive Order 13175 of November 6, 2000 Consultation and Coordination With Indian Tribal Governments By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and in order to establish regular and meaningful consultation and collaboration with tribal officials in the development of Federal policies that have tribal implications, to . 13175), and requiring executive departments to regularly engage in meaningful consultation and coordination Consultation, coordination, and collaboration are different but not mutually exclusive; rather, they are mutually supportive. These comments were in the form of letters, Web site responses and comments recorded at open houses. et. As part of data collection, Reclamation requested and the USFWS provided a list of Federally listed species that may occur in Eddy County. The proposed changes to the funding allocation . This three part land use planning effort was . a!, in The Working Mechanism for Consultation and Coordination on India-China Border Affairs (WMCC) was set up through an India-China agreement in January 2012 for improved institutionalized information exchange on border related issues. consultation on December 7, 2018, but consultation was held in abeyance for 38 days due to a lapse in appropriations and resulting partial government shutdown. his Chapter 5: Consultation and Coordination 559 . The current funding allocation formula, attached, is . Mar 13, 2008. In addition, Executive Order 13175, Consultation and Coordination With Indian Tribal Governments (November, 6 2000), outlines requirements for consultation with Tribal Governments. This chapter summarizes the consultation and coordination activities implemented during scoping (see the West Davis Corridor Scoping Summary Report [West Davis Corridor Team EPA's anticipated timeline for the consultation and coordination period is expected to extend from June 7, 2021, to September 7, 2021. Consultations with Alaska Native Corporations will occur on a "government-to-corporation" basis, rather than "government-to-government" basis to reflect the distinction between . oplma at section 1977 (b) (2) directed that "in developing the travel manage- ment plan, the secretary shall- (a) "in consultation with appropriate federal agencies, state, tribal, and local govern- mental entities (including the county and st. george city, utah), and the public, identify 1 or more alternatives for a northern transportation route … 5608 (110th). (d) This order shall be effective 60 days after the date of this order. The Consultation and Coordination Plan supersedes Section 8.04 of the Cooperative Agreement between DOE and NYSERDA, with the exception of Section 8.04(d), which shall remain in effect. Purpose . Acknowledged receipt of the Village's letter of support for a three-phased approach: 1) improvements to US-31, 2) construction of a local Grand Haven bypass, and 3) construction of a regional bypass. To this end, Executive Order 13175 of November 6, 2000 (Consultation and Coordination With Indian Tribal Governments), charges all executive departments and agencies with engaging in regular, meaningful, and robust consultation with Tribal officials in the development of Federal policies that have Tribal implications. Finally, most Federal agencies have policy documents that provide agency-specific provisions for coordination with Tribal entities. Foreword . Chapter 5: Consultation and Coordination 5.1 INTRODUCTION This chapter describes the consultation and coordination efforts conducted by BLM during the development of Draft RMPs for the Beaver Dam Wash and Red Cliffs NCAs and a focused Draft Amendment to the SGFO RMP, sup-ported by a single Draft EIS. 3 1. (a) Consultation means government-to-government communication, carried out in accordance with applicable Executive Orders, in a timely manner by all parties about a proposed or contemplated decision. Consultation and Coordination5-3 The refuge has provided updates on the CCP process to the local community and other constituents through a variety of methods. The following is a list of contributors, writers, and editors, to this . Subsequent amendments under section 274 of the NSW . Consultation and Coordination The following lists the organizations that were consulted in preparing this environmental assessment and in developing the proposed action. The Forest Service consulted the following individuals, Federal, State, and local agencies, tribes and non-Forest Service persons during the development of the draft and final environmental assessment. the coordination described in this chapter was implemented consistently with the coordination efforts identified in this plan. and comment. with Jurkeviciute, A., and Zhang Hui (2009) Transition from Plan Environmental Impact Assessment to Strategic Environmental Assessment: Recommendations of the Project "Policy Instruments for a Chinese Sustainable Future". 2022-GAP-Guidance-Consultation-Notice-signed.pdf. 1. This model Code of Practice will also assist you if you share responsibility with other duty holders for the same health and safety matter. Consultation happens with workers, industry partners and others whose health and safety is directly affected by our work; and consultation, cooperation and coordination involves duty holderswho owe a duty of care for the same work health and safety (WHS) matters is a legal requirement under Part 5 of the Work Health and Safety Act 2011(WHS Act). Compliance History. Similar to the public scoping process, a key objective of a consultation and coordination program is to provide an opportunity for agencies and organizations to participate in the investigation of project alternatives and to provide input about specific project-related issues. CONSULTATION AND COORDINATION 5-4 The 34th America's Cup / Environmental Assessment On May 9, 2011 received a revised email from Amanda Morrison confirming ESA species of concern potentially affected by the AC34 project. Consultation and cooperation in the workplace Consultation means asking for and considering employees' views when making decisions. Together, they lead to 2 information exchange, mutual understanding, and informed decision-making. Its purpose is to ensure that all Executive departments and agencies consult with Indian tribes and respect tribal sovereignty as they develop policy on issues that impact Indian communities. 06-cv-0810 {wdny) this consultation and coordination plan is entered into by the parties to the . On June 25, 2021, Director-General of the Department of Boundary and Ocean Affairs of the Foreign Ministry Hong Liang and Additional Secretary of the East Asia Division of the Ministry of External Affairs of India Naveen Srivastava co-chaired the 22nd Meeting of the Working Mechanism for Consultation and Coordination on China-India Border Affairs via video link. § 170.100 What do the terms "consultation," "collaboration," and "coordination" mean? Chapter 5. consent decree in the state of new york, et. Consent Decree. consultation and coordination with governments and federally recognized Indian Tribes. It was finalised at the 15th round of special representative talks in January 2012. groups, and the public. Consultation with the USFWS is required by the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (16 USC Sec.661 et seq.) Consultation and Coordination at the Regional Level. conference calls in January and end consultation on February 21, 2012. Consultation and Coordination5-5 January 29, 2009: We met with James McGlone, Virginia Department of Forestry, to discuss forest management planning for Mason Neck National Wildlife Refuge, which included a discussion of the CCP and proposed goals and objectives for forest management. Executive Order 13175 reiterated the federal government's previously . Background On January 26, 2021, President Biden issued the memorandum, Tribal Consultation and Strengthening Nation-to-Nation Relationships reaffirming Executive Order 13175, Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribal Governments (November 6, 2000) (E.O. These procedures ensure that agencies are making fully informed and consistent disclosure determinations, in a manner that maximizes efficiency. This executive order required federal departments and agencies to consult with Indian tribal governments when considering policies that would impact tribal communities. Consultation and Coordination. Consultation Official has primary responsibility for ensuring compliance with DAO 218-8, this Policy, and E.O. a! The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is initiating consultation and coordination with federally recognized tribes to receive input on how to improve the national allocation of Indian Environmental General Assistance Program (GAP) funds to tribal and intertribal consortia recipients. From Title 16-CONSERVATION CHAPTER 30-WILD HORSES AND BURROS: PROTECTION, MANAGEMENT, AND CONTROL. Section 106 Consultation 564 Tribal Consultation 566 Section 7 Consultation 566 New York City Environmental Quality Review Process 567 . Consultation is important during major workplace change. al, v. united states, et. A: Consultation and coordination with tribes is valuable because a state's STOP implementation plan is intended to address the needs of all victims within the state, including tribal victims. On May 26, 2011 Christine Boudreau had a phone conversation with Korie Schaeffer and Cooperation means working together harmoniously to find solutions. Further Information The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is initiating consultation and coordination with federally recognized Tribes to receive input on proposed changes to the national allocation of Indian Environmental General Assistance Program (GAP) funds to tribal and intertribal consortia recipients. Cooperation means working together harmoniously to find solutions. 16 USC 1340: Joint report to Congress; consultation and coordination of implementation, enforcement, and departmental activities; studies Text contains those laws in effect on January 23, 2000. It defines four main interaction modalities: Communication: The exchange of ideas and information. CARICOM is, thus, required by Treaty to negotiate trade and economic agreements as a single unit. (a) The TTP's government-to-government consultation and coordination policy is to foster and improve communication, cooperation, and coordination among Tribal, Federal, State, and local governments and other transportation organizations when undertaking the following, similar, or related activities: (1) Identifying data-driven safety needs for improving both vehicle and pedestrian safety; Gateway National Recreation Area - Final General Management Plan / Environmental Impact Statement - Chapter FiveGateway National Recreation Area - Final General . Tribal Consultation and Coordination Policy of the U.S. Department of Commerce Organizations and Groups: American Indian and Alaska Native communities (AIAN) Office of General Counsel; Tags: American Indian and Alaska Native communities (AIAN) Indian Country; Categories or Topics: About the U.S. Department of Commerce; Leadership: Dee Alexander This code of practice commenced on 1 January 2012. 28 CFR 90.12(b)(3) and (8). 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